Privacy policy

All (intellectual) property rights with respect to Marilog and its logo of, of which include the brand rights, rest exclusively with Marilog. Marilog keeps these rights explicitly.

The (author)rights with respect to the format and the content of this website (with all the data, pictures, sounds, texts and other information) rest exclusively with Marilog and/or license providers. The content of this website may only be used for personal use. Without preliminary consent by letter of Marilog it is amongst others not allowed to spread or send to others the content of this website, except as far as strict necessary for the use of the website.

Marilog has the right, not the obligation, to restrict the access to information or to remove information from this website when, in according to Marilog's judgment, one can speak of (possible) violation of rights of thirds.

Marilog has at the same time the right - unless agreed differently with author - to shorten and/or change provided material. This applies to text, music and image material.